We offer wide range variety of product from various brands like SIEGWERK, HEIDELBERG, Multichem and many more.
We offer wide range variety of product type for various purposes, start from pre-press, press, and finishing purposes.
Not sure about what product type or brands that suits for your projects? Dont't be shy, just ask our team! We'll be happy to serve you :)
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(pilih alasan dibuka)A. Penjualan Exclude (Profit Masih Masuk)B. Profit Menyesuaikan Pasar (Acc P. Soni)C. Barang Lama Di Jual Murah (Acc P. Soni)D. Customer Sudah Ada Bayar (Belum Di input Finance)E. Customer Ambil Barang sekalian Bayar dan CicilF. Barang Inplant dah sudah di pakai harus jadi tagihanG. Kredit Limit (Minta Di tambah Pembayaran bagus)H. Lainnya (isi di kolom keterangan dibawah
Notes: Konfirmasi request pengajuan approval ke Finance Department (Bu Wahyu).